Wednesday, September 18, 2013

LA, New York and Fuchsia

Unpredictable is one word I keep in my mind when picking out an outfit--something that most would never even give a second thought. The funnest part about putting together outfits is that you can essentially put anything together.  I just barely bought this shirt, and it's so long I thought it would look great with a belt.  I have this fun, furry fuchsia belt and earrings that I thought would look awesome against the black because it's such a fun color! And of course, I wore my favorite cheetah pants, which added the patterns I needed to pull the outfit together.  Mixing styles up is what I  love.  I have an obsession with white sneakers right now and they match with everything!  I added some funky jewelry to match with the look that I envisioned.

Shirt: Bohme Boutiques
Pants: Express
Necklace: Fossil 
Earrings: Nordstrom
Rings: Forever 21 (zebra) and H&M (sparkly)
Belt: Target
Shoes: Payless 
Watch: Charlotte  Russe 

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