Saturday, September 14, 2013


Gloomy days call for comfy clothes, so today I wore my favorites. My favorite pants,  sweater and my shoes.  I feel like I should share a few things about me because I am new to the blogging world and such.  I love Converse and reading romantic novels specifically Nicholas Sparks. I love photography, fashion and my family. I love writing letters and making new things.  I have a fascination with network marketing and business and hope to be a successful business women one day.  I believe that half of the wars we fight could be solved with educating the people.  I am member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. And my greatest dream is to be a mom and have a family of my own.
Part of my goal with this blog is to empower and support women somehow. I believe fashion isn't just how you dress yourself but how you live your life. So, this post I've decided to share some of my favorite things, some of the things that I do just to feel as good on the inside as well as the outside. (keep scrolling)

Start out the day with something healthy. Feeling good and eating healthy are directly proportional I believe! Here is one of my favorite breakfast foods. A Parfait! It's quick, easy and super yummy.  
What you will need is Honey flavored Greek yogurt and Cottage cheese.  
Stevia (natural sugar) I get mine from a health and nutrition company called XANGO. Vanilla protein (also I get from XANGO). 

1. Get 1/2 cup of the Yogurt and Cottage cheese
2. 1/2 TSP of the stevia and about 1 TBSP of the protein
3. Mix them all together (I use a magic bullet) 
4. Then put granola, fruit whatever you want in it!

These are my favorite things to put in my Parfait!
Not only does eating healthy help you feel good all day but also working out. For me personally I am more focused all day and am more productive. Many people say they don't have the time or the equipment to get their dream body but I have an amazing work out that only takes 40 minutes and doesn't require any equipment!
SET 1:
100 air squats, push-ups, sit-ups
25 pull ups
25 burpees
SET 2:
75 air squats, push-ups, sit-ups
20 pull-ups
25 burpees
SET 3:
50 air squats, push-ups, sit-ups
15 pull-ups
25 burpees
SET 4: 
25 air squats, push-ups, sit-ups
10 pull-ups
25 burpees
( Do everything order)
A light jog should be done after the completion of all four sets. Remember to stretch.  

thanks for reading xoxo

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